Jumat, 05 Januari 2018

Writing Your Masters Thesis Creating a Bibliography and Writing a Literature Review

Writing Your Masters Thesis Creating a Bibliography and Writing a Literature Review

Image source: https://i0.wp.com/sciplore.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/writing-a-phd-thesis-partiii-06-create-bibliography-for-your-thesis.png

Before you even start writing your actual master's thesis, you will need to compile a bibliography of all the research sources and materials that are relevant to your thesis topic. In addition, as part of your masters thesis, you will be required to write a literature review, which may be part of your thesis proposal or even part of your thesis itself depending on the preferences and standards followed by your academic department and your faculty advisors.

Prior to embarking on either one of these very important projects, it is vital to understand the difference between a bibliography and a literature review. A bibliography is simply a list of sources that you have consulted in the course of researching your masters thesis. In this context, "consulted" is defined very broadly. It doesnt matter whether you got a lot of information from a book or just a little. It doesnt even matter whether the information that you gleaned from a particular research source never even makes it into your thesis. Any book or article that you looked at, even briefly, in the course of conducting research for your master thesis belongs in the bibliography. It doesnt matter whether you read the whole book or just skimmed a chapter, whether an article was helpful or added nothing to your understanding of your topic. When it comes to putting together a bibliography, you must err on the side of over-inclusiveness. Note that a bibliography is not the same as a "reference page" or a "works cited page" that you might include in a run-of-the-mill term paper. A bibliography for a masters thesis should include all relevant resources that you encountered while researching your topic, whether you actually cite them or not.

A literature review on the other hand is much more selective than a bibliography and much more difficult to put together. A bibliography, essentially, is just a list of books and articles put in standard citation form. You dont need to understand or appreciate or even to have read a source in order to include it in a bibliography. A literature review, on the other hand, is a written analysis and synthesis of the research sources that are most pertinent and helpful to your master's thesis topic. In your literature review, you will not simply list sources as you do in a bibliography.

Rather, you will discuss and analyze the importance of each source to the topic that you have chosen to write about. More than that, a well-written and well-constructed literature review does not simply list important sources and discuss their contributions to the field. In writing a literature review, you should be able to draw connections between the various sources that you discuss and analyze. In other words, it is vital that you explain for your reader how the points made and theories proposed in one research source build on or add to those found in another book or article. You should be able to identify and discuss trends and commonalities that appear in the works that you discuss in a literature review, as well as note any disagreements among scholars that are exemplified in these works. A literature review should provide a brief history of the development of scholarship and academic theories in your chosen field, with emphasis on most recent discoveries, controversies, or proposals. After reading your literature review, your faculty advisors should come away completely informed about the state of research in your field as it stands today. With this understanding, the readers of yourmaster thesis will be prepared to ascertain what your own research and writing has added to your chosen topic and judge the value of your work in advancing scholarship in your academic field.

Kamis, 04 Januari 2018

Writing Descriptive Essays - What You Need To Know

Writing Descriptive Essays - What You Need To Know

Image source: http://slideplayer.com/10877143/39/images/3/Descriptive+Writing+Make+observations+of+what+you+want+to+describe.+Watch+it+closely..jpg

Describing something may be an easy thing to do that makes writing descriptive essays easy too. But writers should not be very confident that they can describe anything perfectly. Of course, there will always be considerations when it comes to writing essays, especially this one. If a writer is too sure that it is effortless to write such essay, then he/she still needs more research and practice. The objective of this essay is to make the reader visualize the scene or thing being discussed. It should awaken the reader's imagination.

It is important in writing descriptive essays to remember that any subject would do as long as the writer can give justice to it by highlighting what makes the issue interesting. Readers can be fond of anything. Take note that transforming ordinary topic into extraordinary one is a good thing to do since such topic will surely be of interest to the reader. Writer's treatment on the article is straightly connected with the reaction of the reader. To create effective essays of this kind, choice of descriptive words should be taken seriously. Providing adequate specific detail helps the reader to have a vivid picture of the topic being described. For example, if the essay is about a birthday party, the writer should not only include what he/she sees in the party. The description of the event may include the feeling of attending a certain birthday party. In that way, the reader may also feel how to be in that particular birthday party. If the writer had made the reader feels the same he/she had felt in the party, it means he/she is effective in giving descriptions. The writer should also make sure that the essay has a coherent pattern of organization of thoughts. Though the writer is only describing the subject, there should still be logic to follow. Generally, this kind of essay adopts an inverted pyramid pattern of writing. It means that it usually starts with the general idea narrowing down to the specific details and ending with the thesis statement. The body of the essay is consist of several paragraphs that develop and describe thoroughly the idea.

There are cases that people have variations when it comes to interpreting or giving meanings to words. An example of this is the word egg. Some people will think first that it is white in color or oblong in shape. Others may think of a chicken, duck or ostrich because these are animals that lay egg. To a medical personnel, it may be referred to as the egg in the reproductive system. Different meaning of a certain word depends on the group of people who uses it. From the example, egg in the medical jargon is related to the development of the human baby.

Writing descriptive essay may not be as hard as any other available essay. If an individual has the ability to make anything interesting to describe and write, then he/she can compose an essay describing that thing. Just don't forget to choose words that suits best the essay because it might have another meaning when used in another context.

Women in India - Her Story in New Millennium

Women in India - Her Story in New Millennium

Image source: http://i.amz.mshcdn.com/KPJ_4SZ3m5Hdr5JqDxjP2OXoWxQ=/1200x630/https%3A%2F%2Fblueprint-api-production.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fuploads%2Fstory%2Fthumbnail%2F9451%2FC96A4556.JPG

Swami Vivekananda, one of the greatest sons of India, quoted that, There is no chance for the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is improved, It is not possible for a bird to fly on only one wing.

Historical Background:

From ancient to modern period, womens condition-socially, politically and economically- has not remained same they are the target of varied types of violence and discriminatory practices done by men all over the world. and it kept changing with times. In ancient India, it enjoyed equal status with men; in early Vedic period they were very educated and there are references of women sages such as Maitrayi in our ancient texts. But with the coming of famous treatise of Manu i.e. Manusmriti, the status of women was relegated to a subordinate position to men.Need for empowerment emerged due to centuries of domination and discrimination done by men over women . They are object of brutality .India is no different.
India is a mind boggling country. We have, through centuries, created and developed various types of traditions and practices. These traditions and customs, good as well as awful, have become a part of our societys collective cognizance. We worship female goddesses; we additionally give incredible significance to our mothers, daughters, sisters, wives and other female relatives or friends. But at the meantime, Indians are additionally renowned for treating their women badly both inside and outside their homes.
Indian society comprises of people belonging to almost all kinds of religious conviction. In every religion women are given an exceptional place and every religion teaches us to treat it with respect and dignity. Yet some way or another the society has so developed that various types of ill practices, both physical and mental, against women have become a norm since ages. For instance, sati pratha, practice of dowry, female infanticide, parda pratha, sexual violence, wife burning, sexual harassment at work place, domestic violence and other varied kinds of discriminatory practices; all such acts consists of mental as well as physical element.The reasons for such behaviour against women are numerous but the most important one are patriarchal system of society and the male superiority complex. Though to eliminate these ill practices and discrimination against women several self-help groups and NGOs are working in this direction; various constitutional and legal rights are there but in reality there are a lot to be done for breaking the societal hindrances and achieving great heights in all dimensions: political, social and economic. But society as a whole has still not acknowledged women as being equal to men and crimes or abuses against women are still on the rise. For that to change, the societys orthodox mind set needs to be changed through social conditioning and sensitization programmes.
Therefore, the concept of women empowerment not just concentrates on giving women strength and aptitudes to rise above from their miserable circumstances however in meantime time it also stresses on the need to teach men regarding women issues and inculcating a sense of respect and obligation towards women as equals.

Why Meditation Doesn't Work

Why Meditation Doesn't Work

Image source: http://makeyourbodywork.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Why-the-Weight-Doesnt-Stay-Off2.png

The title of this article may seem a little strange. How can I say meditation does not work when there is a vast amount of research which seems to show that it does?

There is a huge amount of scientific experiments that seem to reinforce the belief that meditation can; make you healthier (both emotionally and physically), make you look younger, bolster the immune system, help you recover faster after operations, reduce stress, help you to live longer, remove past emotional issues and alter negative beliefs.

So how can I say that meditation does not work?

I can say this not because meditation never works but, unfortunately, because meditation does not work for the vast majority of us! Why is this?

Well the answer to the question "why does mediation not work?" is simple!

Meditation doesn't work for most of us because they haven't spent many, many years learning how to do it and practising it! If you have ever tried to meditate then you know just how difficult it can be. Just relaxing your body can prove to be a challenge. You get itchy, want to move about and feel restless. Even if you succeed at getting your body into the required relaxed posture you are then required to still the mind through meditation practises that are new and strange to you. It just seems like a constant uphill struggle.

So, is there a way to gain all the benefits of meditation without the drawbacks? The simple answer to this question is a resounding yes!

Through a process called brain entrainment, that uses binaural beats, you can easily enter into a state of meditation easily and within minutes.

In 1839 a discovery in sound technology was to later revolutionize the scientific world when a German professor discovered binaural beats. When a tone is sent to one ear and another tone that is almost the same, but differs slightly in frequency, is sent to the other ear a strange thing happens. The two tones, when mixed together in the brain, create the illusion of binaural beats. These beats force the brain to produce brainwaves at very specific frequencies.

Although binaural beats were discovered by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove the effect that they have on the brain wasn't understood until the late 1970s by Gerald Oster. Oster learned that when these binaural beats are used in specific ways different brain states can be induced.

The significance of how these binaural beats work becomes really interesting when we look at some experiments that were conducted using very experienced meditators and EEG machines which measure brainwave activity. It was found that during deep states of meditation these people displayed Alpha, Theta and even Delta brainwaves. These brainwave states have corresponding physical states associated with them.

Oster found that using binaural beats he could induce the Alpha, Theta and Delta brainwaves states at will! By listening to binaural beats that were recorded at Alpha frequencies the brain began to display Alpha brainwaves. The same was true for Theta and Delta. As these brainwave states are induced, through binaural beats, the corresponding physical state is also induced.

Therefore, through the use of binaural beats, it is now possible to duplicate the mental and physical effects of deep meditation. To enter the meditation state all you have to do is listen to the binaural beats recording through stereo headphones, close your eyes and allow the binaural beats to go to work on your brain!

So, if you are one of the majority of people who cannot make meditation work, then simply use some binaural beats and save yourself at least a decade of practise!

Rabu, 03 Januari 2018

When You Need A New Hobby You Need Some Advice By Sindy W. Gebbie

When You Need

Image source: https://beyondscience.in/media/2016/01/When-you-need-god-knows-when-you-ask-god-listens-when-you-believe-god-works.jpg

July 16, 2012 - Are you interested in choosing a new hobby? Or perhaps you already have a hobby you actually enjoy. Whatever group you fit in, new tips will always be useful. Continue reading to find out expert tips about hobbies.

Reading is really a hobby that is well loved by many. Reading is great simply because you are transported to different worlds. You can also read almost anywhere you are actually. With so many topics to read about, you'll not have a struggle to discover a book to see.

Share the hobby you do with other individuals. Knowing small details about people makes life a lot more special. Your hobby or disney princess ariel gives you an ideal opportunity to enjoy the company of others. Show others everything you collect, follow or make. Share whatever you do with others. You may earn some new friends.

Your hobby space should be neat and well-organized. Doing this will assist you to know where everything is, letting you reduce stress. It also keeps the area safe. You don't need to get injured while concentrating on the hobby due to carelessness where you left something dangerous out.

Enjoy multiple hobbies. Diversity prevents boredom and promotes self-development. A good way to divide your hobbies up is to break them down on what is best for that time of year.

Gardening is great exercise and fun. It can appear to be a chore to some and a glory to others. Drop a couple of seeds in the ground come springtime, look after them during summer, then enjoy what sprouts to life by autumn. This hobby not just allows you to enjoy working outside, it also provides you with savings on your grocery bills.

Seashell collecting may be a lot of fun. Sea shells are educational, beautiful and may be used in craft projects so that as decoration around the house.

An excellent way to relive stress is participating in a hobby. If you have an intense job, it's easy to get burned out. After a stressful day, a hobby is something fun to do. Select one that will help you stay interested while keeping your stress levels down.

Should your hobby is cooking, be cautious. Never wear clothes that suit loosely, because they may catch fire. Instead, choose tighter fitting garments, tie long hair back and consider an apron as well. When you're working in a kitchen, you should always be sure to be safe.

What do your kids want to do? If they want to dance chances are they may need to get into a class for the; if they like trains then you can get a little train set.

Put a quilt together. Your loved ones can help you construct it. Permit them to choose a fabric they like. Scraps can come from your old linens, clothes, or from swatches you available at fabric outlets. When the time comes which it all must be put together, let each person sew their own fabric swatch onto the quilt.

Consider running your personal blog. You will find blogs available on various topics. People use them to share their life with the world. This sort of tool is a great method of letting off steam, and maybe you will gain a following. Blogs can help develop friendships and earn extra cash.

Be sure to budget carefully for your hobby. If you have fun, you can easily go overboard. Having a budget is a good thing when you've got a pastime. You probably wish to do everything you would like, but you're going to need cash to do other things too.

View your money if you are getting into a hobby. If you love a hobby, it's very enticing to invest way too much into it. Having a budget is a good thing when you've got a hobby. You need to support whatever it is you wish to do.

If you like to do good in the world, you can select a hobby that allows you to do just that. If your spirit is benevolent, then you can spend of your leisure time by helping others. Try tutoring children, growing a neighborhood garden or making sweaters for the disadvantaged.

Pursuing a pastime is one of the guidelines on how to make the most from your free time. There are virtually countless hobbies out there, and there's something for everyone. Make use of the tips you simply learned to obtain the greatest enjoyment from your hobbies.

What Are the Reasons of Thunder

What Are the Reasons of Thunder

Image source: https://image.slidesharecdn.com/itsshocking-100310100956-phpapp02/95/its-shocking-17-728.jpg?cb=1268215884

Children usually get scared of thunder and lightning during storm. The booming sound resembles with an exploding bomb. It is somewhat true that a child will get scared.

Exploding air

When air explodes inside a thunder cloud when lightning heats it up, a thunder is produced. A lightning strike can quickly heat up the air between the temperatures of 15000 to 60000 Fahrenheit; this is hotter than the surface of the sun. Air expands violently and contracts when heated rapidly, this causes the air to explode with a booming sound. The air which rushes out sets up a sound wave of vibrating air which is called thunder.

Cold and warm fronts

Lightning and thunder occurs at almost the same time because lightning is produced by cold and warm masses of air that clashes against each other. This causes friction resulting in sparks of electricity that is called lightning shooting down to the ground. Besides lightning, the clash of cold and warm fronts of air produces a loud booming sound which is called thunder.

Why lightning is seen first before hearing the thunder

Lightning and thunder happen at the same time but lightning is seen first before hearing the thunder. The scientific reason is the light travels faster than the speed of sound through the atmosphere. The longer gap between lightning and thunder means that the thunderstorm is further away.

The speed of light is faster than the speed of sound and it takes about three seconds to travel a distance of one kilometer. If one counts to three just before hearing the thunder, it means that the lightning is about one kilometer away. If lightning and thunder occur at the same time then it means that the lightning is definitely very close.

The rumbling of thunder

The sound of thunder varies. It is often considered as roll or rumble. Two things make the thunder to rumble; the lightning bolts and the clouds. A lightning bolt appears like forks zigzagging and the limbs can branch out for long miles.

When the air explodes as a result whenever lightning heats the air, each part of the lightning bolt creates compression waves that will reach at different times. The sound wave that travels a longer distance is softer and arrives later than a sound wave that was created by a part of lightning bolt that was closer.

The second factor behind the rumble of thunder is the presence of mountains and clouds around the area. The sound waves bounce off from the clouds, ground and other nearby objects which are much similar to the way a human voice echoes in a large auditorium. This is the reason why the sound of thunder might become louder than getting lower a bit.

Lightning can happen without thunder but thunder cannot happen without lightning. The reason can be that a person is very far away to hear the thunder. The sound waves scatter but the lightning is still visible in the sky.

Also learn why does it thunder? and why does it snow?

What Are The Best Home Business Ideas And Ways To Get Started

What Are The Best Home Business Ideas And Ways To Get Started

Image source: http://www.copyschool.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/The-Top-3-Tips-On-Getting-An-Online-Business-Started-Image.jpg

To millions of individuals, working at home is the very ultimate goal. Loads of individuals usually do not finds fulfillment or enjoyment in their careers; others do not earn the payment which they ought to have. Most of the people have difficulties adapting to their bosses at the same time.

Who owns a home business who utilizes a pc would do well to discover his or her way around the hardware and software. For sure you have some hobbies; transform them directly into a business. Use your potential and know-how you really hold metamorph them into Profit! Hobbies and interests would be the great work for home business ideas. For everybody who is an authorized specialist you'll be able to offer up your services as a medical professional, or legal professional and deliver the results right at home.

Another great idea to be able to work at home is usually to get started an online business offering up something in order to make money online. This can be achieved definitely using an online home business. To take into consideration the tendency now's to begin your home based business online. Moreover important knowledge can be recognized if you will appear and do the job. Identifying a good idea which you like is the key. If you are going to work for your home business ideas on a daily basis you could at the same time-have fun with this.

In this post you will understand how to begin using your main online business ideas.

The theory is very easy. To make money online you'll need a targeted strategy and complete it constantly.

The purpose of this article will be to help you get moving on the right path with your own internet home business ideas right away.

Right here you'll find tips on how to...

1. Build your very own online business scheme.

2. Needs for delivery of your respective plan.

3. Which are the various ways that you should begin making money online?

4. Importance of taking right next stage.

First thing for you to do to start with your own internet home business ideas is to try to opt for a specialized niche you are passionate about.

After you have done that there are various ways so that you can make money online.

It is possible to make your own product, promote affiliate programs and also get re-sale rights to popular selling products and services and make money.

When you've selected your current niche market, here is step 2.

This can be very significant to have a objective in your head. The particular objective that you would like to get. This can be in making $1000 each month or obtain 700 guests each day to your site.

When you own your topic, target along with your strategy now here's the next action to acquire your individual home business ideas into reality.

Just imagine your goal and plan on a daily basis as you have already realized it. View using your thoughts eyes that you've reached your plan plus see the phase you will take to make it happen.

Selasa, 02 Januari 2018

Vinyl Gutters Pros and Cons

Vinyl Gutters Pros and Cons

Image source: http://gutter.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/ImageUrl3_1338391771_2066.jpg

Plastic gutters are growing in popularity for a number of reasons. They are made of PVC plastic, making them dent and corrosion resistant, which is a big plus for the gutter material. They are also lightweight, which makes them relatively easy to install. And finally, they are quite a bit cheaper than most other gutter materials out there. Of course, they don't come without a downside, so be sure to inform yourself about the pros and cons of vinyl rain gutters before you choose them for your house.

Advantages of The Plastic

As already mentioned, there's a number of good reasons to install vinyl gutters, with durability leading the charge. As vinyl is manufactured from PVC plastic, it won't rust or corrode like other materials and can't be dented by poorly placed ladders. The other big plus of plastic is that these gutters are the same color inside and out, which means scratches and scrapes won't be visible.

Purchase The Product Carefully

Be certain you are buying quality materials. The big danger with the vinyl gutter lies mostly with cheaper versions of the product. Cheap vinyl rain gutters are thinner, making them susceptible to sagging and more prone to growing brittle with age. Cheap materials are also damaged easily by extreme cold, which is the other noted enemy of plastic products. Usually, the better and thicker the plastic, the less likely is for these issues to occur.

Plastic is Easy to Install

Another great benefit of PVC gutters is how lightweight they are compared to other materials, and how easily they snap together. This makes them easy for contractors to install, cutting down on time and reducing the final cost. In fact, the ease with which it can be put up has made it a favorite for DIYers. But keep in mind that because gutters need to be hung and sloped properly in order to function, it's recommended you hire a pro to ensure the job is done right. Plastic is also easy to clean by hand, with a specialized wet vacuum gutter cleaning machine or even with a jet wash.

Really Cheap

Many residents are drawn to vinyl rain gutters because of its cheap cost in comparison to other materials. Ten foot sections can be found for $3 to $5, but don't let the price fool you. With the added expense of hangers, couplings and downspouts, you could get a final cost in the $3 to $5 per linear foot range. Still, compared to other gutter materials, which range from anywhere between $5 and $40 per linear foot, vinyl is still one of the most cost effective materials on the market.

Main Drawbacks

Like all other materials, the vinyl gutters also have their drawbacks, with the biggest one - their longevity. As they are actually made of PVC plastic, over time they can begin to crack, sag and wear out, especially if you buy the thinner ones. And it can be very difficult with some brands to tell which type will last longer. Many residents looking to cut some costs may find their vinyl gutters wear out after just a couple of years, especially in climates that get a lot of rain and snow. Plastic is very susceptible to cold, so if it gets extremely frigid and you choose the lighter versions, you may have cracking gutters right in the middle of the winter just due to cold.

Better Find a Gutter Installer

When you're interested in plastic gutters, speak with an experienced contractor about getting the right gutter for you. If you're willing to pay a little more for higher end PVC materials, you'll end up with a properly installed, functional and cost effective solution to all of your gutter needs.

Tips on Writing Successful Papers

Tips on Writing Successful Papers

Image source: http://40.media.tumblr.com/3725a52aaf9c4dd753bc40fdd9dee93c/tumblr_n0pj9bVyDK1qgny72o1_500.jpg

Students required to write papers in academia places to demonstrate and articulate their education progress. The typical flavors of papers include: course works that cover various questions about your course or subject; essays you have to interpret or analyze a literary or visual work from your own viewpoint ; term papers which usually reflect your knowledge on a certain subject and thus must have thorough and concise structure; and research papers, where you have to find different sources to illustrate your understanding of a specific topic. In writing any of these papers, there are following general rules to consider.
A thorough research on a given topic or subject that you selected is essential. Before you begin the paper, you should brainstorm ideas that you can use in the work perhaps, by putting your thoughts in a bullet point form or outline. This will help you organize your points properly, making it easier to write a paper. This is because all you have to do is following your bullet points or outline and elaborating on it. Also, make sure that you know the objective of your paper. Most of the time, this will guide and help you to narrow down the broad and diverse information that you have at hand.
Remember to stick to these general rules when writing a paper. Your paper should be composed of an introduction, main body and conclusion. The introduction should contain a thesis statement, which gives a general idea of what you will talk about for the rest of the paper. It also informs the reader about your stance on the issue.
The main body is usually divided into three paragraphs, which further expounds on the topic. Each paragraph in the main body should start with a topic sentence, which is usually the first sentence in the paragraph. This is used to indicate the flow of the paper in short, it conveys the main idea of your paper. Finally, the conclusion gives an overall summary of the topic. Also, this is where you can state your opinion and provide your solution for the points you have raised; the latter should be done only if it is applicable.
Limit each paragraph in your paper to four or five sentences. If it is more than that, start a new paragraph. Make sure that you are explaining terms and concepts clearly; you should write a paper assuming that the reader is unfamiliar with the topic. Also, keep in mind that you should properly cite sources in either your course work, essay, term paper or research paper. If you fail to do this, your paper will be considered as plagiarized. Inclusion of your own opinion and analysis cannot be underestimated. Finally, you should ask someone to proofread your paper before you submit it this would help battling the grammatical errors and punctuation mistakes you might have skipped.
Once you incorporate these general rules whenever you write a paper, using them will become a habit, with paper writing getting increasingly fast and easy. It will also ensure your successful pass because paper-writing usually makes significant percentage of your final grade.

The Master Article - Writing Quality Content On Street Articles

The Master Article - Writing Quality Content On Street Articles

Image source: http://medicaldeviceacademy.com/wp-content/uploads/Screenshot-2015-11-19-at-5.52.44-PM.png

There is no such thing as a perfect article. Every article is going to be subjective, and since everyone has a different voice, a different opinion, and different levels of intellectual ability, every article is going to be different in its own way.

When authoring content within Street Articles, you should have a few goals and follow a few practices to get the maximum results.

First, you should not write for the purpose of promotion. Instead, you need to write for the crowd you are targeting. Remember, there are users (readers) on the other side of every article. If your article is not one of the following, you are not going to be offering a quality user experience, thus leading to lack of Street Article success:


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We are not going to explain exactly what an article like this will sound like, as it will differ from person to person and topic to topic. What we will outline however, is how to submit an article that will meet our Publishing Guidelines and lead to success in your own respective content niche.

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Article: Affiliate Marketing For Dummies

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What makes an article readable.

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Senin, 01 Januari 2018

The Curse of Natural Resources

The Curse of Natural Resources

Image source: https://image.slidesharecdn.com/curseofthenaturalresource1-140228145409-phpapp01/95/curse-of-the-natural-resource-11-638.jpg?cb=1393599326

Natural resources can be referred to as substances that occur naturally and in most cases are unmodified. They are normally considered valuable. Its value is the demand for it and the amount of material available. They are classified into non-renewable and renewable resources. Renewable ones include forests, coffee and fish. This paper is dealing with the curse of natural resources.

It explains why so many countries rich in natural resources are very poor. It shows the conditions of these countries like Russia and Africa. There is further elaboration of the possibilities of curtailing the curse and how Canada and Norway managed to do this. This paper explains the mechanisms that were put in place to curtail the natural resource curse in these nations. (Auty, 1994)

Research shows that countries that are rich in natural resources are not in apposition of using their assets to enhance their economies. They in fact have low economic growth than the countries that lack profuse natural resources. Many studies carried out in the early eighties reveal a link between copious natural resources and low or poor growth in the economy. This is very evident in countries that produce oil. There are various reasons that explain why countries with natural resources are poor. (Gylfason, 2001)

One of them is that natural resources normally provoke conflicts within societies. These result in fighting of people in relation to these resources. This was the situation in Angola which is a nation that is very rich in oil. These conflicts normally occur in more hidden form. They include fights between departments that allocate funds and government ministries. Research reveals that natural resources have links with armed conflicts in many nations. This is most cases occur because of exploitation and the control of the natural resources and revenue allocation. When belligerents access these natural resources it results in increase in vulnerability of conflicts. These conflicts normally affect the produce of the country and therefore make the nation not to benefit from the natural resources in the long run.

Nations that are not endowed with natural resources normally tax the citizens and they in turn want a responsive and efficient government. This normally creates a mutual relationship between the subjects and rulers. On the other hand the nation that has natural resources, citizens is not taxed because of the income from natural resources. The relationship between the subjects and rulers therefore is deteriorated. The rules therefore take advantage of this and give poor service to citizens. Corruption becomes rampant as individuals seek to benefit from the natural resources and fail to focus o the nation as a whole. Corruption is one of the diseases that consume the economy of these nations and therefore they end up becoming very poor and they don't benefit from the natural resources that exist therein. (Ascher, 1999)

Nations that are rich in natural resources just allocate resources to some constituents that are favored only. The policies are not economic growth oriented and in most cases they are not well regulated. Most of the finances that come from natural resources are used for carrying out corruption in the political arena. This makes the government not to see the need of regulating the economy and building up of institutional infrastructure. Tax therein is not well regulated and this plays a big role in making the economy undeveloped. There normally exist offshore tax havens that give corrupt politicians the wide opportunity to hide their wealth stolen from citizens.

This is the situation in Africa and in Russia. Though these nations have abundant natural resources, their economies grow at a very slow pace when compared to the nations that do not have such resources. Nations like Venezuela, Nigeria and Russia experience growth that is of mediocre magnitude. This is the case comparing to nations like Korea, Switzerland, Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan.
These nations experience high economic growth rates and yet they are not that developed. The reason as to why Russia and African countries are poor is because the sudden increase in income emanating from natural resource led to the governments having less sound economic management. This actually gave these nations some false sense of security and they failed to put in place strategies that would enhance economic growth. There is less benefit from economic spillovers. (Krueger, 1974)

Norway was one of the poorest nations in Europe in the year 1900. Research indicates that this nation is one of the richest not just in Europe but in the world. This nation is endowed with natural resources like natural gas, oil, hydroelectric power and fish. Canada and Norway managed their natural resources very well such that these resources were converted to prosperity therein. Research reveals that Norway never avoided recession for some few years. (Gylfason, 2001)

Looking at it in the present times, there is good exploitation of its natural wealth because of planned development. Research carried out in the year 2006 indicates that this nation's eighty percent of its oil rents are normally collected through fees and taxes that are channeled or invested in foreign securities. This helps in protecting the economy from enormous and abrupt increase in income. This then results in fair division of oil rent among generations. On the other hand, Canada managed to use its natural resources also and channeled it to prosperity.

The income from natural resources was used for developing various sectors in the nation. They include; health, telecommunication systems and the construction of roads. This made this nation to benefit from its natural resources.

These are the mechanisms that were used in these nations to curtail the curse. This shows that it is possible to curtail this curse also in other nations. One factor that is very evident in Norway and Canada is that they never gave a chance to corruption but they ensured that the income from natural resources was well utilized such that the economy developed. Another mechanism that is evident in these two nations is that both of them carried out diversification such that they just did not depend on the natural resources only. The policies therein were well formulated. The policies aim at protecting the natural resources from exploitation. (Leite, 1999)

It is very possible for nations like Russia, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, Zambia and Nigeria among others to put in place mechanisms that will enable them to benefit from natural resources so that they become a blessing and not curse. One of them is simply enacting policies that will help protect the natural resources therein from private people who may be out to exploit the natural resources. The policies should encourage transparency in the way the natural resources are utilized. Any income from natural resources has to be accounted for. This is because looking at these nations, corruption is so rampant and the lack of proper policies makes the rulers or rather political leaders to misuse the natural resources therein. One mechanism that can work for this nation is allowing external experts to manage the natural resources.

Lack of proper technology is also one of the reasons that make nations that are endowed with natural resources to remain poor. These nations need to invest in proper technology that will help them to make proper use of their natural resources. There are many African nations that have gold but because of the lack of proper technology, they remain poor.

When proper technology is used, these nations can make good use of their natural resources and shift from poverty to prosperity. This will see the economic growth of these nations than what is currently happening. Other institutions within the nations need to be well placed for economic growth to occur. These include the banking sector, transport and communication among other sectors. The very fact that Canada and Norway managed to have economic growth from natural resources shows that it is very possible for countries that presently have the curse to prevent them in the future by implementing the recommendations illustrated above. (Krueger, 1974)

Natural resources are substances that occur naturally and are not modified. These resources are normally valuable. Research indicates that many countries that are rich in natural resources have got very low economic growth and are generally poor. This is because of various reasons including corruption among others. Nations that do not have these resources are even richer. Nations like Norway and Canada managed to boost their economy using natural resources because they focused on building institutions and key sectors in the nation. These sectors include; transport, telecommunication and the health sectors. Nations that endowed with natural resources need to put in place mechanism that will help in boosting the economy. This includes enacting proper policies that will protect natural resources from corrupt individuals.

Auty, M. (1994): Industrial Policy Reform in Six Large Newly Industrializing Countries: The Resource Curse Thesis; World Development; 22, 11-26
Ascher, W. (1999): Why Governments Waste Natural Resources; Policy Failures in Developing Countries; the John Hopkins University Press
Gylfason T. (2001): Nature, Power and Growth, Scottish Journal of Political Economy; Vol 48; No 5; 558-588
Hodges, T. (2004): Anatomy of an Oil State; New York; Melbourne Press
Krueger A., (1974): The Political Economy of the Rent-Seeking Society; American Economic Review; 64; 291-303
Leite C. (1999): Does Mother Nature Corrupt? Natural Resources; Corruption and Economic Growth; New York; Harvard Press
Sachs, D. and Warner, A. (1995): Natural resource abundance and economic growth; New York; Prentice Press
Stiglitz, J. (2007): Escaping the Resource Curse; New York; Columbia University Press

The Complicated Process Of Housekeeping Made Easy Now

The Complicated Process Of Housekeeping Made Easy Now

Image source: http://www.gridgit.com/postpic/2014/03/complex-application-architecture-diagram_554725.png

Housekeeping, the whole process is a familiar one, because in the course of you have helped with one or multiple chores at your home, but that does not prepare you to continue the process in a regular basis for a long period of time. When you are the owner of a home, then keeping it clean and hygienic is one of the basic requirements. Such a thing is not going to happen unless you are going to take good care of the whole process and keep on cleaning the house properly. Now, in case you are a stay at home mom or dad, cleaning wont be such a problem, but when you are working, it can turn really complicated.

Understanding the conditions

Not only the dearth of time, but energy and eagerness too, will take its toll on the work at home. So, it will be better if you start taking the problem rather seriously and try to find a perfect solution to the same as well. There are various ways in which such a thing can be managed, but it will be better to depend on the professionals, as they will be able to help the most. It simply means going for Housekeeping services in Edmonton.

The options and you making the choice

Loads of companies are working in this field and they will be able to provide you with the required services. It may seem a little complicated at the beginning, but if you are really interested, then choosing this option will prove to be the best decision. The companies are here to help with their services provided by the experts of the field. All you need to do is first select a few companies which will seem to be suitable enough for your requirement and budget. After that, you will be able to compare them and choose the one which is the best.

Making the process easier

The whole process will require some time from you which will be devoted in researching on the subject, comparing the different options and then taking the decision. Along with that, you also need to remember another point and that is, the companies which are offering Housekeeping services in Edmonton have quite a lot of options available, but you may not need all of them at the same time. So, it will be better if you understand the whole situation first and then choose the services which are required. It will make the whole process easier for you.


Finally, it can be said that, if you are truly interested in this matter, then it will be important to take the matter seriously and gather as much information on the topic as possible. This information will be able to tell you, what is required and why such a thing is required in the first place. It may seem to be a bit too much, but if you want to make the right decision, then having a clear idea on the topic will prove to be rather beneficial. So, it is undeniable a fact that, the very complicated process of housekeeping is made easy these days.

Author: If you are thinking about going for one or multiple number of Housekeeping services in Edmonton, but are confused about the process, then seeking professional help will prove to be the best choice. Alice is an expert who has been associated with Able Maids for some time now and can help with proper advice and suggestion on the topic.

Take The Work Out Of Holding A Workshop

Take The Work Out Of Holding A Workshop

Image source: https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/4/6/b/9/4/electronics_workbench_furnished.jpg

Workshops, seminars and speaking engagements of all shapes and sizes are great ways to share your expertise and build trust with a prospect audience.

I've sometimes referred to speaking as the world's most efficient way to sell. Think about it, you get to stand up and talk about something that matters to an entire group of potential customers for a very focused amount of time. The speaking tactic is so powerful that I advise every one of my clients to find a way to get to a podium often.

Now, at first brush it would seem that the thing to do then would be to host a series of workshops and just start inviting folks to come on down and listen. This may indeed be a good approach, but I would like suggest a few very powerful ways to get in front of prospects without you doing all the work. (Remember I mentioned the word efficient before.)

Make the Circuit

There are many groups that need speakers for breakfast, lunch and dinner meetings. Start reading your local business publication for workshop and meeting notices and you will find a ready built list of speaking opportunities. It's best to consider groups that contain your target market of course, but sometimes if you are just getting started, practice in front of most any group may have its place.

Be Hosted

One simple way to get in front of a highly targeted group is to approach other organizations that serve your target market and offer to provide a workshop on a timely topic of interest to their clients. A bank, for example, may be very open to topics from other small business experts. Package your pitch as a way for the host to add value to their existing client relationships. This approach is a very powerful way to win clients because you are essentially being referred by the host.

It goes without saying in one of these arrangements that as well as providing the marketing and filling the seats, the host provides the room and sodas too.


Take the approach above and really turn up the juice by going to two host partners and proposing a group event. This way both partners get to view the event as a value add for their clients and a way to meet new prospective clients invited by the other host. This packaging twist will help you get even attention for your ideas.

A Power Group

Another great way to efficiently sell to a group is to find several professionals who serve a similar target market and put on a 1/2 day workshop. Each participant presents some great information and each participant is responsible for inviting guests. This way you can create a very compelling event and get a good crowd without too much effort. (I've seen this approach work so well that it turned into a lucrative product for the partners involved.)

Teleseminar Series

One of the difficult parts for any workshop is getting people to leave the office and attend your event. Teleseminars, or seminars held via a telephone conference line, offer great convenience and low cost. You can set-up a series of topics and invite local or national caliber guests to interview on your teleseminar. The cost for producing one of these is low enough that even if only a handful of people attend the call it can be well worth it. Another very powerful benefit of this approach is that you can record the calls and create permanent marketing content to entice prospects long after the actual session.

Copyright 2006 John Jantsch

Solar - How do Icontinual my residing with it

Image source: http://i.ebayimg.com/images/i/171142445018-0-1/s-l1000.jpg #2 Where does the electricity conversion turn up? When the sun...