Kamis, 04 Januari 2018

Writing Descriptive Essays - What You Need To Know

Writing Descriptive Essays - What You Need To Know

Image source: http://slideplayer.com/10877143/39/images/3/Descriptive+Writing+Make+observations+of+what+you+want+to+describe.+Watch+it+closely..jpg

Describing something may be an easy thing to do that makes writing descriptive essays easy too. But writers should not be very confident that they can describe anything perfectly. Of course, there will always be considerations when it comes to writing essays, especially this one. If a writer is too sure that it is effortless to write such essay, then he/she still needs more research and practice. The objective of this essay is to make the reader visualize the scene or thing being discussed. It should awaken the reader's imagination.

It is important in writing descriptive essays to remember that any subject would do as long as the writer can give justice to it by highlighting what makes the issue interesting. Readers can be fond of anything. Take note that transforming ordinary topic into extraordinary one is a good thing to do since such topic will surely be of interest to the reader. Writer's treatment on the article is straightly connected with the reaction of the reader. To create effective essays of this kind, choice of descriptive words should be taken seriously. Providing adequate specific detail helps the reader to have a vivid picture of the topic being described. For example, if the essay is about a birthday party, the writer should not only include what he/she sees in the party. The description of the event may include the feeling of attending a certain birthday party. In that way, the reader may also feel how to be in that particular birthday party. If the writer had made the reader feels the same he/she had felt in the party, it means he/she is effective in giving descriptions. The writer should also make sure that the essay has a coherent pattern of organization of thoughts. Though the writer is only describing the subject, there should still be logic to follow. Generally, this kind of essay adopts an inverted pyramid pattern of writing. It means that it usually starts with the general idea narrowing down to the specific details and ending with the thesis statement. The body of the essay is consist of several paragraphs that develop and describe thoroughly the idea.

There are cases that people have variations when it comes to interpreting or giving meanings to words. An example of this is the word egg. Some people will think first that it is white in color or oblong in shape. Others may think of a chicken, duck or ostrich because these are animals that lay egg. To a medical personnel, it may be referred to as the egg in the reproductive system. Different meaning of a certain word depends on the group of people who uses it. From the example, egg in the medical jargon is related to the development of the human baby.

Writing descriptive essay may not be as hard as any other available essay. If an individual has the ability to make anything interesting to describe and write, then he/she can compose an essay describing that thing. Just don't forget to choose words that suits best the essay because it might have another meaning when used in another context.

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