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When authoring content within Street Articles, you should have a few goals and follow a few practices to get the maximum results.
First, you should not write for the purpose of promotion. Instead, you need to write for the crowd you are targeting. Remember, there are users (readers) on the other side of every article. If your article is not one of the following, you are not going to be offering a quality user experience, thus leading to lack of Street Article success:
People will read and share your article if it meets any of those emotional hot points. That is your goal as an author within Street Articles; Interesting, sharable content. That is the ultimate success indicator.
We are not going to explain exactly what an article like this will sound like, as it will differ from person to person and topic to topic. What we will outline however, is how to submit an article that will meet our Publishing Guidelines and lead to success in your own respective content niche.
(1) Title Strategies
Your article title is your first point of engagement with a potential visitor. Whether this is within a search engine ranking or internally within Street Articles. Think of the last magazine you picked up. Was it because a headline or title captured you? Most likely. Take a look at newspaper ads. Take a look at the last articles you have read.
Your title should offer your reader a preview of what you are about to offer. An enticing and interesting article will lead to a much higher click-through rate (people reading your article) and greater success
Here are two examples:
OK: How long should I bake chicken
BETTER: How Long Should I Bake Chicken - Avoid Serving Raw or Overcooked Chicken
The latter (BETTER) one will get clicked 9 times out of 10.
(2) Keyword Strategies
Each article has a section where you can add keywords related to that article. I typically recommend adding 5 to 10 relevant keywords to your article. These do not carry a ton of weight, but can help with your rankings in Google.
Dont add too many keywords to the keywords field as you will be just wasting your time. Add keywords that are core to your article, are contained with your articles, and definitely add your target keywords.
(3) Content Strategies
Many writers tend to focus on the keywords they are trying to get ranked. However, in the process they forget about one very important aspect. The readers.
There is no point in getting rankings and having people come to your article if you lose them in the first 5 seconds because you dont have relevant content.
Your content should be helpful and offer one or more of the following:
Captivating - Is it what they call in the authoring world, a page turner
Funny - Are you getting some real, authentic LOLs with your content
Opinionated - Are you writing about your opinion on a particular topic
Informative - Are you educating people on a topic, news item, or story
Timely - Is it HOT off the press (this is typically news)
Helpful - Are you solving someones problem
You should not write content for the sheer purpose of promoting something, that will be very transparent to the reader and will carry absolutely no value (plus we do not allow purely promotional articles at Street Articles).
Instead, focus on one or more of the points I have outlined. Satisfy the reader and you will garner excellent rankings, get a good following, and ultimately generate much more revenue from your writing.
(4) Linking Strategies
At we allow links within the actual article content. In a 400 word article, you are allowed 2 links in the last 25% of the article, or after the 300th word. The longer your article becomes, the more links that you are allowed.
For example:
800 words = 3 LINKS ALLOWED 1,200 words = 4 LINKS ALLOWED
You will be notified as you are typing the allow links within your article.
You will also notice that there is no author bio. That is because we want people to link naturally within their articles and reserve author information for your actual Author Biography, which is linked to at the end of each article. Please reserve any author related information for your Author Info which you can add within your Street Articles account under the "Manage Authors" tab.
And here is an example of my author biography:
My Author Profile
Link naturally within your content. At Street Articles we do not allow call-to-actions phrases, but For example, do not use phrases like:
click here join now go here visit my site for more information check this out buy now get this free find out more go to my site this site is great i recommend
These are not allowed within Street Articles because they lower the user experience, devalue the article greatly, and make the purpose of your article seem very promotional. Instead, you should link naturally within your pure content article on trigger phrases.
Here is an example of an article that follows this technique:
Article: Affiliate Marketing For Dummies
As you can see, the terms global marketplace and affiliate marketing for dummies are linked naturally within the article. These achieve a very high click-through rate without being spammy or promotional.
(5) Landing Page Strategies
Street Articles allows authors to link to a landing page, up to two links for a 400 word article and the longer the article, the more links that are allowed within your article.
The site you link to should be 100% relevant to your article. For example, if you were writing about affiliate marketing for dummies (as I did in my above example), linking to Wealthy Affiliate is a very targeted page.
If you had an article about dog training and tried to link to Wealthy Affiliate, however, this would not be appropriate, as there is no flow of relevance.
Please do not use affiliate links or redirects. These are not allowed at Street Articles as again, this is not a medium for hard sell promotions, it is a medium to gain a follow, help & inform people, and as an added bonus, get traffic to your website.
(6) Formatting Strategies
What makes an article readable.
Again, lets go back to some of the most common types of writing we see on a day-to-day basis, blogs, magazines, and newspapers (online and offline). There are a few things they all have in common:
Short Paragraphs - Aim to keep your paragraphs under 50 words (MAX). Remember, this is not necessarily an essay you are writing, it is content unique to you. You do not have to write in the same way that a 12th grade English teacher taught you.
Limited Formatted - Do not over-format your articles. Putting BOLD, ITALICS, and UNDERLINED content everywhere (without a purpose) is simply going to make your content more difficult to read. I suggest that you use formatted text only when you have a real purpose or a real point to emphasize. DO NOT format entire blocks of text!
NOT ALL CAPS - OVERUSE OF CAPS IS VERY ANNOYING TO A USER AND HARD TO READ. You get the point. Write naturally...if you have every tried to read an entire document or email that was written completely in CAPS, you will know how difficult it is to read. Dont do aint cool.
(7) Promotional Content
Although we do allow links within Street Articles, the focus and purpose of your article should not be to sell something. First and foremost, it should be to inform, help, and educate. If you can accomplish this, people will trust your content and be much more likely to click your links, offer feedback, share your article, and follow you as an author. That is your goal.
As a side effect of writing quality content, you will be able to earn money through your writing, your following, and leverage the traffic your article gets.
How to contact us if you feel like you have hit a wall with our Rejection team.
And here again are the Publisher Guidelines if you need any clarification or you want to be brought up to speed with our latest rules.
Publishing Guidelines
Take it easy!