Kamis, 28 Desember 2017

How Did Aretha Franklin Lose Weight

How Did Aretha Franklin Lose Weight

Image source: http://cache.edgetrends.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Aretha-Franklin.jpg

How did Aretha Franklin lose weight? Great question, and its sure a hot topic in celeb weight loss land. Her story is quite an interesting one, but, ironically enough, it has a great sense of simplicity - a word that one would not normally use to describe Ms. Aretha Franklin, aka the QUEEN of soul.  

Of course we all know that she is best known as "the" female musical genius and has belted out her fair share of soul over the decades. But now the attention on her is shifting form the voice to the body. Aretha who was quite plus sized, recently lost an amazing 85 pounds and this is something that has caught the attention of many people, including millions who have never been fans or followers of her music in the past.

A Reality Check:  When asked this question, how did Aretha Franklin lose weight? she herself confesses to have stopped eating all the wrong foods and started eating consciously. However shes admitted that giving up her favorite foods was not easy for her. The motivating factor however, was having to look at her previous and pre-diet photographs from when she was most overweight. She says that whenever she felt tempted to cheat, shed just pull out her pictures, and the sight of the old Aretha just put her right back into place. Ms. Franklin has actually said of herself that she looked too fat for words! Obesity-related health risks and a past battle of cancer are truly what made her embark on this journey of losing weight.

Her Weight Loss Program:  So, how did Aretha Franklin lose weight? By making better choices and getting guidance form expert nutritionists and personal trainers. Fact is, weight loss has a scientific formula that continuously reveals that if you put less (and healthier) foods in, burn off more calories you WILL lose weight. Period.  For Aretha, it was about eliminating the wrong foods and replacing them with smart choices.

Her definition and classifications of the right and wrong foods is interesting actually. According to her, wrong foods are those things which are processed and chemically treated. She says that you cannot do without all canned and processed foods, but you should try as much as possible to limit them and cook from scratch. Instead of having burgers and coke for a quick lunch, she chooses to having salads and fresh juice instead. She said that she has made fruits and vegetables a major part of her daily diet. She also worked on increasing her intake on whole cereals and grains to improve her metabolism and, consequently, her weight and overall health. Aretha Franklin also started taking a lot of water, which, she said, was to help clear her system of all the harmful toxins and to keep her glowing and young.

Aretha Franklin did not just lose weight by changing her diet; her exercise routine also changed. She started going for a 30 minute treadmill session every day, or at least for 4 days in a week. The then 68-year-old said that her birthday present to her self, on her 69th birthday, was to be size 16! Since she underwent an abdominal surgery (due to pancreatic cancer), her weight loss program was supervised by her personal trainer and her doctor.

Its easy to wonder how did Aretha Franklin lose weight since she lives a very glamorous and busy life, but sometimes even the divas need to be told the truth and get real so-to-speak. According to Aretha Franklin, the journey to weight loss is not easy, but it can really be enjoyable especially when the results are quite visible to you and to others around you.  Her before and after pictures are proof that shes looking to be a better role model and promote an active and healthier lifestyle.

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